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The A-Beez w/ Debo + AppleMill

Saturday@BHD: This will be a candidate for our show of the year. The A-Beez are literally one of the funkiest bands around. Amy and Aaron Bellamy, the core of the group, have toured internationally and have backed such stars as Chaka Khan, Terri Lyne Carrington, and G Love in addition to many other great artists. Their ensemble, the A-Beez, always features the area’s finest musicians, and the line-up for this show is truly top-shelf: highlighted by Snarky Puppy’s Maz Maher, Neighbor’s virtuoso guitarist Lyle Brewer and Grammy nominated powerhouse vocalist Debo Ray. Opening the evening will be the debut and EP release of a great new band that you need to check out. They are called AppleMill - the brainchild of Tom Appleman and Seth Miller. They have created a impressive fresh sound that will not disappoint. Please join us for what will be an extraordinary evening. Debo Ray & the A-Beez AppleMill


November 8

Seconds Out - a tribute to Genesis

November 12